Tuning into your own internal, natural drumbeat is essential if you are to live a fulfilling and productive life. Unfortunately, the way we have been socialized and conditioned over the last 3000 years has switched and turned us off to our own rhythm. We have been forced to dance to the beat of all the external, cultural drums bashing and crashing around us, without a clue how to tune in to our own. This must change if we are to realize our creative potential as a species and solve the myriad problems facing us.
The solution is understanding how to nurture your nature, which helps you to better mind your own business, and live your true life. Music lessons should be compulsory in all schools, not to teach the playing of various instruments, but to practice your own drumbeat. This involves listening to your body with all its sensations, your heart with all its emotions, your head with all its thoughts, and finally your spirit which connects you to everything. So, you realize your place in the magnificent orchestra of life. Instead of wondering about the meaning of life and how you fit in, you instinctively resonate with the entire cosmos, sending out your own unique and essential sound.
The debate about nature versus nurture will finally be resolved when we learn to nurture our glorious, evolved human natures. To take your own life into your own hands, and perform according to who you really are, is a truly liberating experience. Gone is the need to pretend, hide, doubt, dominate, hurt, steal and kill, because you become the possessor of your own magical being, which is good and essential for life.
We are not here by accident but thanks to the overcoming life-force that dwelt in all our ancestors, right back to the beginning of time. That we are here brings a profound responsibility to make the very best of what we have inherited, so that life can continue its inextricable evolutionary path. It truly is a case of adapt or die, and fortunately we now understand how to collaborate in the nature versus nurture debate, instead of them being at odds with one another.
I really enjoyed the team building session some years ago where a whole group of us were each given a drum and encouraged to find our own rhythm amongst each other. It wasn’t long before there was a beautiful and coherent sound. Covid 19 has demonstrated how interconnected and interdependent we all are. It gave us a common and uniting experience of lock-down, masks, and social distancing, not to mention a loss of normalcy and loved ones. But it also gave us the opportunity for a life reset to discover our own drumbeat and who we really are, instead of being stuck in the ‘rat-race’. I encourage you to find the door which says ‘MUSIC’, enter in, and practice nurturing your nature. For more information, please contact me – psychologist in Fourways.